Boleum Energy & Technology Limited is committed to the safety of employees, contractors and the general public. We recognize that providing and integrating a sound environmental, health and safety program into our business is key to our success.

It is Boleum’s policy to:
  • Protects the health and safety of its employee’s contractor personnel and the general public.
  • Zero injuries is our overall objective.
  • We shall impart confidence among our customers and safety and well-being among our employees
  • Promotes awareness of, and provides education in, health-related subjects.
  • Takes any and all measures necessary to maintain optimal working conditions
  • Monitors all work-related activities to ensure the well-being of our employees, contractors, and relevant third parties
  • No operation has priority over safety
  • HSE is a line responsibility in the entire organization
  • Everyone is responsible for their own safety and the safety of others
  • We shall prevent pollution and reduce negative environmental impact
  • We shall reduce the amount of waste and optimize the use of resources
  • We shall accept our social responsibilities.
  • Take timely remedial actions to address any material HSE deficiency and
  • non-conformance identified via reviews, inspections, audits and incident investigations

The Company measures the achievement of this HSE Policy by setting measurable HSE performance targets in our business plans, which we are all committed to meeting. This Policy Statement shall be made freely available to all interested parties.
Together with our clients and suppliers we shall continually improve our procedures and routines in environmental management. We believe that social commitment will result in savings for our clients and new business possibilities for Boleum Energy & Technology Limited.